In a race against the elements, the construction team is making significant progress in an effort to achieve an enclosed structure by the end of 2013.
pouring the new slab in the family room over the radiant heating tubes
With underground plumbing complete a coordinated effort was needed between the concrete and heating trades. Slab areas needed to be prepared by the concrete crew, followed by the heating crew placing their heating tubes in the slab. The existing floor will have a 2 1/2" layer of concrete poured over the existing slab while in the new areas, we poured a 4" slab the matched the level of the topping slab.
Heating tubes are laid on top of the existing slab awaiting the topping pour. Tubes are evenly distributed to provide an even level of heat
Heating tubes are run to a common manifold. Tubes will be split off into six separate zones to provide fine tuning for in separate areas on the first floor
In preparation for insertion of the cantilevering "Periscope" piece off the front of the house, a large portion of the existing roof needed to be removed. In addition to this, the existing chminey and fireplace was reclad with new brick
The Steel Framing also went up this week, which is very exciting. This piece of the construction will form the backbone for the signature cantilevered "Periscope" piece on the front the on project
Framing has started in earnest, which has been a lot of tearing out of the bad old lumber and insertion of heavier laminated posts and beams that can handle the longer spans we have designed to achieve a more open feel. More to come soon?
Peter Nicholas